Stung Treng Province, the birthplace of the King of Golden Voices, Sinn Sisamouth, is planning to build a statue in his honor. The statue will showcase his fame and timeless music, and hopefully bring more tourists to the area.
Sinn Sisamouth, the king of Cambodia’s golden voice, was born in Stung Treng province in 1932. His magnificent voice, which spanned a wide range of genres, including love songs, rock and roll, and traditional Khmer music, remains popular to this day. Although he died during the Khmer Rouge regime, his songs have been rediscovered and loved by a new generation, demonstrating the artistic power of his powerful voice.
The statue project is being supported by an NGO called KINAL and organized by the Stung Treng Provincial Department of Tourism. The location is along the Sekong River in Stung Treng city. The prominent location will make it easy for both locals and tourists to visit. Stung Treng Governor, H.E. Sar Soptra, recently inspected the proposed site for the Sinn Sisamouth statue.
The Stung Treng Governor sees the project as a major step in boosting tourism and beautifying the province. Officials and development partners hope that this will not only attract tourists but also help preserve the reputation of the Golden Voice King, Sinn Sisamouth, for future generations to know and recognize.
The Sinn Sisamouth statue is expected to become a major attraction for tourists, especially those who love music, history, and want to learn more about this influential artist. Beyond tourism, the statue has a deep symbolic meaning for the Cambodian people. Representing the brilliance of art, a symbol of national pride and a reminder of Cambodia’s rich cultural heritage.
The project is still in the planning stages, and details about the design and completion date have not yet been announced. However, people have expressed great excitement and support for the statue of the Golden Voice Emperor, Sinn Sisamouth, and hope to see it soon.