Sonita, the owner of the love house shop, has been selling Khmer krama for over 9 years

Chakroval News
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Everyone knows actress Mae Sonita. She is the founder of the Khmer Krama Shop, which sells Khmer krama products and krama clothing. So far, her shop has been operating for about 9 years. She first started with a mission: “Love Khmer Krama.”

Because she loves this business, no matter how busy she is with her artistic career, Mae Sonita always spends time with the Khmer Krama Shop. The shop not only sells products, but also a community of Cambodian women who are producers, which Mae Sonita herself created.

She said that since it opened, she has never made a profit because it costs a lot, including creating a community, making weaving tools, raw materials, and doing projects. She also said that this business is one of the most difficult businesses for her, requiring capital, time, and physical strength, and it is not easy to manage. Compared to her acting career, she can easily make money in just one shot.

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