Besides dressing formally, Madam Cham Nimman is also a woman with a modern style, modern taste, and is prepared for all occasions

Chakroval News
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Madam Cham Nimman is considered by the public to be a strong woman, a role model and an influential woman in society. She currently holds a high position in the government as the Minister of Commerce of Cambodia. According to an interview with the international magazine Prestige, in her life, Madam places two main priorities: first, a healthy lifestyle, which is the key to improving both physically and mentally. The second is to provide a nurturing environment for her family and team. Madam says: “As I have a husband, children, parents and siblings, I have to divide my time equally to be a part of their lives.”

When it comes to her style, Madam says that she is not a materialist, but she prefers a modern, elegant and modern style. Madam’s personal preference is a mix of attitude, quality, self-confidence and authenticity. Although Madam mostly wears formal clothes to work, Madam also changes her style according to different occasions. The lady said that the work uniform makes her feel confident and powerful.

Although she is over 40 years old, her beauty looks as young as a woman over 20. Regarding beauty, the lady revealed that she uses minimal beauty products. Beauty for the lady is not about spending hours on makeup, but about doing things appropriately. For example, if the lady herself wants to look younger, she just lets her hair down. In particular, at work, most of the time, the lady lifts her hair up to look appropriate and reduce distractions.

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